ACAdemy 24-25

"Proven Performance pathway"

Season 23-24 review

What is the Academy?

About the Academy
What is the academy?
A chance to join a selected group to train over 3 blocks throughout the year with elite experienced coaches.
Our engaging coaching academy ethos offers a perfect platform for athletes wanting to take their hockey to the next level and to prepare them for England Junior representative systems for when they are older. This includes DC, JAC, Talent Academy and junior international sides for the upcoming years.
How long does the academy go on for?
There are 3 blocks linked up with the school terms
-Block 1 - Autumn
-Block 2 - Spring
-Block 3 - Summer
Payment information
-Payment to be made in 'block payments' at the start of each block
Selection process
We host trials over a 3 week period to select 15-20 boys and 15-20 girls in each age group. Our ultimate aim is to have this number to allow elite style coaching building raw talent and progressing into achievement. We like to have a good coach to player ratio to allow that attention to detail coaching. Development groups for all become available for all the players after the trials period finishes.